Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wow! 36 weeks...Baby Olivia could come at any time!

Well here we are at week 36. I am amazed at how fast this has all gone by. It feels like just yesterday that we were announcing to everyone that we were finally going to be parents! What a journey this has been, from being told that we would not be able to conceive on our own to experiencing all the highs and lows of pregnancy. As much fun as this has been, I am soooo ready for her to be here so we can start the next journey of being parents.

Your once wiggly baby now favors certain body positions. Typically, your baby will enjoy resting with his head down and his rump toward your ribs—the ideal placement for delivery. Your baby's movements will become less frequent as he has less wiggle room. From now Baby's growth will be slow and steady as he continues to put on weight and fill out. Your little one weighs in at six pounds this week and his length hovers around 13.2 inches (crown to rump). About the size of a crenshaw melon.