Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week 12

This week was pretty uneventful. Which is a good thing. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. I thought we would get to hear the heartbeat this time, but we did not. Still to early I guess.

The end of the first trimester marks an important step for your baby-to-be. All of her major body systems are in place. In her digestive system, her small intestine is no longer entwined with the umbilical cord, but instead is tucked neatly within the abdomen. Her nervous system continues to develop, and her brain's structure is fully formed. Many of her organs are starting to work on their own, too. For instance, her thyroid begins to secrete hormones. Next week she'll no longer be considered an embryo, but instead graduates into a fetus. She's already looking more and more like the baby you're probably imagining—she even has tiny fingernails. At 12 weeks, your baby weighs in around 1.5 ounces and measures about three inches in length (from crown to rump). Which is about the size of a plum.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11 Weeks

Sunday we had the opportunity to share our story with our church family. I was very glad for this opportunity. I really hope that God uses our story to help someone else who may be struggling with everything that we went through.
This week was a little scary for me. I tripped and fell on some concrete and banged myself up pretty good. For those of you who know me, this is nothing new. I am clumsy and I fall all the time, but this time was very scary. The doctor said that everything was okay, and that the baby is very cushioned inside me. Which made me feel better, but it was still a very scary thing for me. I will definitely be watching a lot better where I am walking!
I am excited for next week, because we will get to hear the heartbeat!!

Your baby-to-be's body still may look a little strange. At this point in development the head makes up nearly half of his body size. Don't worry, in the next few weeks the rest of his body will catch up. Right now, part of your baby's small intestine coils around the umbilical cord outside his body—this will change soon, too. Your baby weighs in at about three-tenths of an ounce this week, and his length is just under two and one-half inches (crown to rump). About the size of a lime.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Trust: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed. This is something that is a constant struggle for me. So many times I think I can do things on my own and in my own strength. The truth is...I can't. I watched this video the other day and it made me think. These past few weeks have been so eye-opening for me. I have learned that God is in control of EVERYTHING in my life and I just have to TRUST Jesus! Sometimes easier said than done, but sometimes we just have to let go and know that He will catch you!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 10

Week number 10 of being pregnant and I am feeling great! I have been very fortunate, I have not had any morning sickness until today. I still feel nauseous from time to time, but for the most part, I have felt really good! My hormones, however, are in full force. I was sitting on the couch last night, and found myself crying at a Lowes commercial. So far this experience has been so amazing and I am loving it. I am so grateful to be carrying this little blessing and I can't wait to meet little baby Adams.

Info about baby at week 10:

Week 10 marks a milestone for your baby-to-be. This first part of fetal development is all about organization. All your baby-to-be's cells have been directed to their places—brain tissue is growing rapidly, muscles are forming, fingers and toes are becoming defined. Your baby-to-be looks less like an embryo (or an alien) and more like the baby in miniature that he is. He's getting bigger, too. This week your little one is about one and one-quarter inches long and weighs in at .18 ounce, about the size of a shrimp.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

9 weeks!!!

Being pregnant is so amazing! I thank God everyday for allowing me to carry this baby. I am still in awe of this little miracle! Here is an 8 week ultrasound picture.
I am at 9 weeks now. It's so amazing how quickly the baby develops! Here is some info about the development at 9 weeks.

Your baby is busy growing. Her face looks more baby-like each day—her eyes are developed but concealed, and her nose, lips, and ears are becoming more defined. She's also starting to exercise her expanding muscles. Her fingers and toes are looking less like stubs. Although she's a wiggler—and you could see that on an ultrasound—she's still so small that you won't feel these movements. Her reproductive organs are developing, but even if you sneaked a peek you wouldn't be able to tell that she's a she (and neither could your doctor at this point). Your growing baby is about as big as a quarter this week.