Thursday, May 20, 2010

37 Weeks SOOO close!!

How far along? 37 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I don't know, they have stopped telling me. Lol.

Stretch marks? Ugh!

Sleep: NOPE!! Not at all. I actually dread bedtime. I am up every 30 minutes.

Best moment this week: Knowing that she is due in less than 20 days.

Movement: She is getting pretty crowded in there, but she is still moving a lot.

Food cravings: Fish

Labor Signs: I have been having contractions. Apparently they are all practice ones, cause I haven't started to dilate at all yet.

Belly Button in or out? Still in but very stretchy.

What I miss: SLEEP!!!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby girl!!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Salt is not your friend.

Milestones: I am officially full-term

At 37 weeks, your baby's body is developed enough to survive outside of the womb. Her lungs, now filled with amniotic fluid, are ready to take her first breaths of air. Her eyelids flutter open and shut preparing for her first view of you. This baby is just about done growing inside you. That means it could be anytime now! At nearly six pounds, six ounces and 14 inches in length (crown to rump), she has now reached about the size of an average watermelon and will continue to stay at that size until she is born.