Thursday, May 20, 2010

37 Weeks SOOO close!!

How far along? 37 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I don't know, they have stopped telling me. Lol.

Stretch marks? Ugh!

Sleep: NOPE!! Not at all. I actually dread bedtime. I am up every 30 minutes.

Best moment this week: Knowing that she is due in less than 20 days.

Movement: She is getting pretty crowded in there, but she is still moving a lot.

Food cravings: Fish

Labor Signs: I have been having contractions. Apparently they are all practice ones, cause I haven't started to dilate at all yet.

Belly Button in or out? Still in but very stretchy.

What I miss: SLEEP!!!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby girl!!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Salt is not your friend.

Milestones: I am officially full-term

At 37 weeks, your baby's body is developed enough to survive outside of the womb. Her lungs, now filled with amniotic fluid, are ready to take her first breaths of air. Her eyelids flutter open and shut preparing for her first view of you. This baby is just about done growing inside you. That means it could be anytime now! At nearly six pounds, six ounces and 14 inches in length (crown to rump), she has now reached about the size of an average watermelon and will continue to stay at that size until she is born.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Olivia's Nursery

It's been a long time coming, but here is her nursery. I absolutely love it. I often find myself just sitting in her room, dreaming about what it will be like when she gets here.

Wow! 36 weeks...Baby Olivia could come at any time!

Well here we are at week 36. I am amazed at how fast this has all gone by. It feels like just yesterday that we were announcing to everyone that we were finally going to be parents! What a journey this has been, from being told that we would not be able to conceive on our own to experiencing all the highs and lows of pregnancy. As much fun as this has been, I am soooo ready for her to be here so we can start the next journey of being parents.

Your once wiggly baby now favors certain body positions. Typically, your baby will enjoy resting with his head down and his rump toward your ribs—the ideal placement for delivery. Your baby's movements will become less frequent as he has less wiggle room. From now Baby's growth will be slow and steady as he continues to put on weight and fill out. Your little one weighs in at six pounds this week and his length hovers around 13.2 inches (crown to rump). About the size of a crenshaw melon.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


This week started off with a little scare. I woke up Monday morning at 4:30am with really bad chest and back pain. In order to find out what was going on, Mark and I took a little trip to the ER. They ran a bunch of tests on me, did an ultrasound on my legs to check for clots, drew several tubes of blood from my veins and arteries (ouch!) and monitored Olivia. The diagnosis: UNKNOWN. :( The doctors only explanation was acid reflux or something with my gallbladder. So they sent me home with the orders to rest and drink plenty of fluids. I have been okay since and Olivia is very healthy. I guess it's just not time yet.

How far along? 35 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +27 lb Ya, totally gained 11lbs in 2 weeks, ugh! The doctor said it was all water weight.

Stretch marks? Ugh!

Sleep: Depends on the night.

Best moment this week: Knowing that Olivia is healthy.

Movement: Still a little mover, I think she is head down. Sure feels like it!

Food cravings: Pepsi freezes from Fastlane!

Labor Signs: Contractions.

Belly Button in or out? Still in but very stretchy.

What I miss: Being able to get off the couch on my own.

What I am looking forward to: Mark finishing the nursery this weekend!!!! (Pics will be up next week)

Weekly Wisdom: None this week.

Milestones: Olivia's bag and my hospital bag are all packed, the car seat is installed, the nursery is 95% complete, we have everything we need, we are ready for her!

At 35 weeks, your baby is considered full-term and she looks developed. The soft, fuzzy hairs that once covered her body begin to disappear. She continues to add fat layers, which will help her stay warm once she's out of the womb. During these last weeks, your baby is developed sleeping patterns (and they often have little to do with night and day!) Your unborn baby weighs in at about five pounds, 10 ounces and stretches to around 12 inches (crown to rump). Baby's total size is about the size of a sheet cake.

Week 34

Your unborn baby's muscles are maturing along with the rest of her body. She can hold her head up and turn it from side to side. She'll practice her newfound muscle tone by stretching out her arms and kicking her legs. If you are indeed having a boy, the testes have descended into their proper place. Your baby's eyes are now open when awake, and closed when sleeping. Most of the lanugo is gone and replaced with a thick coat of vernix. This week your baby is about 12.8 inches (crown to rump) and weighs nearly five pounds. About the size of a hefty honeydew.