Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 21

This whole experience has been so wonderful. Some days I wake up and still can't believe that there is a little miracle growing inside me. I absolutely love being pregnant, but it's funny because some days I just want this to be over so I can meet her, and start teaching her about how much of a miracle she really is. I want to show her how much we love her and for her to understand how much God really wanted her to be here.

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +10 lb

Maternity clothes? Yes please!

Stretch marks? Still not too bad this week

Sleep: Some nights are good, some nights are not so good, but I LOVE NAPS!!!

Best moment this week: Finding out that we will be having a girl.

Movement: I am starting to feel her more and more. She is most active from 8pm-10:30pm.

Food cravings: Mayo, cheese and pickle sandwiches

Gender: It's a girl!!!!

Labor Signs: I think I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions. I had three really bad cramps in a row the other night, each were 9 minutes apart. I am not diagnosing myself, but I am guessing that's what it was.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Feeling full for a long period of time. I feel like I am hungary every 5 minutes.

What I am looking forward to: Getting started on the Nursery

Weekly Wisdom: It's okay to cry! Just let it out. Blame it on the hormones!

Milestones: She is moving around a lot more.

Your little one will begin to fill out over the next few weeks. Fat layers form throughout your unborn baby's body. These layers will eventually keep her warm and insulated once outside the womb. Soft hair, called lanugo, covers her body, too. Her eyelids are still closed, making her appear like she's sleeping, but frequent wiggles will let you know she's awake. You may also feel Baby hiccupping.Those jerky motions you feel in your belly are a result of little lungs practicing the important task of breathing. Your baby-to-be weighs in at around 10.5 ounces and stretches to about 7.2 inches (crown to rump). About the size of a phone receiver.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I love this picture! She looks so relaxed and has her ankles crossed like her daddy does.

It was so neat to watch her move on the ultrasound screen. She was such a wiggle worm. I guess eating a king size Reeses and apple juice was a little excessive. I am pretty sure she was having a sugar rush. At one point I saw her jump on the screen and I felt the jump at the same time. Mark and I are so happy that we will be raising a daughter. We are really looking forward to meeting our little princess!

By week 20, your baby-to-be is gearing up for the next phase in his development—filling out. Her organs are getting into their proper places. Her kidneys are now in position with their familiar bean shape. Her ovaries have reached their position. Her brain continues to form and grow. Her teeth are beginning to appear, and she can swallow. If you haven't been able to feel her move, chances are you'll be feeling her move more and more over the coming weeks. She's still just barely six inches long (crown to rump) and weighs around nine ounces. About the six of a 6in Subway sub.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Half way there!!!! 20 Weeks!

I can't even express how excited we are for this week! We have reached some big milestones. Today we will (hopefully, if little bit cooperates) find out if we will be raising a son or a daughter. I have heard tons of predictions and many people say that it will be a girl and only a few that it is a boy. I have had three dreams for a boy and three for a girl, so at this point I really don't have any strong feelings either way, I will be totally surprised! Whether it's a boy or a girl, I am so thankful for this little miracle growing inside of me. God has truly blessed us with this precious gift, and we will be forever grateful for that!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 19

How far along? 19 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +8 lb

Maternity clothes? Still very comfy!

Stretch marks? Not too bad.

Sleep: Not so much right now.

Best moment this week: I am feeling the baby move!!

Movement: Yep, mostly at night.

Food cravings: Mac and Cheese

Gender: Finding out on MONDAY!!!!!!

Labor Signs: None yet.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Laying on my belly.

What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!!! I am sooo excited. It's so close now!!

Weekly Wisdom: Not feeling very wise this week. Lol.

Milestones: Finally feeling the baby move.

Your unborn baby's organs continue to grow. His body is covered with lanugo—soft hairs and a sticky protective coating that keeps his skin from drying out in the amniotic fluid. Your baby is moving frequently, and by now you should be able to feel those movements. Your physician can hear your baby-to-be's heartbeat with a stethoscope placed on your abdomen. Baby is covered in vernix, a white, cheesy "cream" that protects her skin from the long bath in amniotic fluid. Preemies are covered in vernix at birth—"posties" have almost none. Your little one weighs in at around seven ounces and he's between five and six inches long (crown to rump) about the size of a mango.

Week 18

It's been a pretty exciting week. I am starting to feel the baby move. Really awesome feeling. I mostly feel it at night, which for us might be good if our baby is a night owl. I can only hope right?!!

At week 18, your baby-to-be's senses are maturing. She's able to hear sounds within her own comfortable environment, such as the sound of your heart beating, as well as external sounds, such as your voice. She may become more active for certain sounds, and you'll feel her movements. At this point in her development she's still small enough that she has plenty of room to wiggle. Your little one is about five ounces and five to six inches long (crown to rump) which is about the size of a plastic cup.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 17

How far along? 17 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +8 lb

Maternity clothes? Needing them more and more!

Stretch marks? Itchy

Sleep: Sleeping a lot better these days!

Best moment this week: We got to hear the heartbeat!!!!

Movement: I think I have felt movement, but I am not sure if it's the baby or not.

Food cravings: Pizza and Pickles

Gender: We will find out on Jan. 18

Labor Signs: None yet.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Nothing this week

What I am looking forward to: Finding out what our baby is so we can start getting the nursery ready.

Weekly Wisdom: Make sure that there are tissues handy wherever you go!

Milestones: I can sleep again, I can sleep again!!!

Around this time your baby's ears pop from his head and Baby-to-be can now sense sounds. After all, he has plenty to listen to in utero! He's accustomed to the strong beating of your heart, blood rushing through your veins, and your stomach grumbling. He can also discern sounds outside the uterus, like your voice and music. Although, according to the Mayo Clinic, whether he can distinguish the sound of your voice versus other sounds is not yet clear. This week your little one weighs in at around five ounces and stretches to just over five inches (crown to rump). About the size of an onion.