Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 28

Well I am officially in my 3rd trimester. I can't even believe how fast this is going. Our little bundle of joy should be arriving in about 11 weeks, which means it's crunch time! The nursery is coming along very nicely, (I will post pictures after my baby shower, I promise!) and I am feeling more and more prepared every day, well as prepared as you can be for something to totally change your life. My pregnancy has been so wonderful, and I couldn't be more thankful that God has blessed me with such an amazing and healthy pregnancy. I can't wait to meet our beautiful little miracle.

Your unborn baby's survival rate outside the womb increases as each week passes. If she didn't open his eyes last week, chances are she'll take her first peek this week. Your baby-to-be's skeleton and muscles are maturing quickly. This week she can turn her head from side to side. Most of the lanugo has disappeared at this point and your baby may have a full head of hair by now. Your Baby weighs in at around two pounds, seven ounces and stretches to 10 inches (crown to rump). About the size of a Chinese cabbage.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 27

How far along? 27 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +16 lb

Stretch marks? I don't want to talk about it.

Sleep: I sleep best from about 4am-7am, and I sleep really well on the couch

Best moment this week: Getting to feel her kick from the outside and watching my belly move.

Movement: She is in her prime moving time. The doctor told me that I will be feeling her the most from now until about 32 weeks.

Food cravings: Still Mac and Cheese

Gender: A beautiful baby girl.

Labor Signs: None this week.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Rolling over in the middle of the night and it not taking 10 minutes to do so.

What I am looking forward to: For Mark to be able to feel her kick.

Weekly Wisdom: Pedicures are your friend!

Milestones: This is the last week of my 2nd trimester.

Your baby's lungs and brain are beginning to mature. Although she'd have a good chance of survival if she were born now, she could use a few more weeks of growing. Added layers of fat are continuing to form. These layers will help your baby regulate his temperature once outside the womb and help keep her warm. Your little one weights just over two pounds now and stretches out to a little over nine and one-half inches (crown to rump), which is about the size of an 8x10 picture frame.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 26, Less than 100 days to go!!!

I am 26 weeks pregnant and every day I get more and more excited to be a mom! What a journey. And it's one that is just beginning.

This week your baby-to-be opens her eyes for the first time. She'll open and shut her eyes as she gets used to her new ability. Your little one is still on the small side. Her body may look fully formed on the outside, but inside there's fine-tuning taking place, including her lungs and her brain. This week your baby's weight hovers around two pounds and her length reaches about nine inches (crown to rump) which is about the size of a box of Kleenex.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 25

How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +10 lb

Maternity clothes? I think I am gonna wear maternity clothes forever!! They are so comfortable!

Stretch marks? Ug!

Sleep: Depends on the night. Heartburn keeps me awake.

Best moment this week: Getting to see her again via ultrasound

Movement: I am pretty sure she has her own kick-boxing class in my belly.

Food cravings: Mac and Cheese

Gender: A beautiful baby girl.

Labor Signs: None this week.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Being able to paint my toenails.

What I am looking forward to: For Mark to be able to feel her kick.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't hesitate to call your doctor if you need something, that is what they are there for.

Milestones: Feeling her move all the time.

Your baby-to-be's lungs are developing rapidly, although she'd probably need a little help breathing if she were born at this point. Her respiratory system continues to develop, her nostrils are open, and she can breathe—but she won't take her first breath of air until delivery day. Her reproductive organs are formed (in boys, the testes have descended). Her skin is translucent and wrinkled, and he can hear your stomach when it gurgles nd your voice when you sing. Your baby is becoming more aware of how she can move—she's wiggling her fingers and toes! Your baby has grown to about one pound, eight ounces and she's nearly nine inches long (crown to rump).