Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 24

Just a quick FYI: Heartburn is a killer!!!!!!!
Other than that things are still going really well. I had a doctor's appointment this week to check for gestational diabetes and I passed it!! I am so thankful for that!
I feel her move all the time! She is definitely an active baby. I love to feel her move inside me. It's a constant reminder of the awesomeness of God and how great He is, to allow me to carry and raise this little girl.

This rocking chair was mine from when I was little, so I refinished and painted it so Olivia can enjoy it. Here is the before and after.

I thought this picture put things more into perspective as far as how big she is inside me.

Your baby is filling out this week. Part of your weight gain goes straight to helping him gain weight, too. Since he's still on the scrawny side, his skin wrinkles on his body, but he looks like a miniature version of what you'll see on delivery day. His face has formed, ears are in place, and eyes are complete (although his lids are still closed). He has eyelashes, fingernails, and may be growing hair, too. Rapid eye movements (REM) are beginning, too. This week your baby weighs around one and one-half pounds and measures almost eight and one-half inches (crown to rump). She is about the size of an ear of corn.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 23

So here I am at 23 weeks pregnant. I am still enjoying every minute of it! Mark has informed me that I have started waddling. I didn't believe him, but then it just had to snow and I saw my footprints. Sadly, they are no longer in a straight line, they are side by side. Oh well, I guess it had to start some time. At least Mark thinks its cute. He is so supportive and I love him so much for that!
I had to have another ultrasound Monday, so they could get some more measurements. Some of these aren't as clear as the last ones, but I thought I would post them anyway. The doctor says everything looks great and that she is right on track. I have about 115 days left before we get to meet our little girl!

Here are her little arms and hands.

I think this one is so cute. She is in the fetal position.

This is her whole body.

This one they did in 3D. They wanted to get a view of her face, but she was being camera shy and wouldn't move her hands away from her face. Silly girl, she is going to have to get over that, because when she gets here, she will have A LOT more pictures taken of her.

Twenty-three weeks marks an important point for your unborn baby. Your baby-to-be is far enough along in her development that she could have a chance at survival outside the womb. According to the March of Dimes, of all babies born at 23 weeks, 25 to 35 percent survive. This number goes up considerably when you add just a couple weeks: babies born between 50 to 70 percent of all babies born at 24 to 25 weeks survive. And 90 percent of all babies born at 26 to 27 weeks survive. Although all of your baby-to-be's internal systems are in place, she needs more time for those intricate systems to mature. Your little one now about eight inches long (crown to rump) and weighs in at around one pound. Which is about the size of a papaya.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 22

We had a really great weekend. We were able to get Olivia's room all painted. (Pictures of the completed nursery coming soon!) We just need to get the chair rail put up and arrange the room. I can't wait to see it all put together. I know she will love it!

Your baby's brain is growing daily. Her senses are also starting develop. She can hear the sound of your heart along with your breathing. As she wiggles her fingers, she may touch her face or even suck her thumb. Her lungs are becoming more mature, and she even goes through the motions of breathing. She can also swallow, although she won't have her first real meal until delivery day. Your baby-to-be reaches about 7.6 inches in height (crown to rump) and weighs in at just over 12 ounces. Which is about the size of a spaghetti squash.