Saturday, December 26, 2009

Week 16

Week 16 has been one amazing week!!! We had a doctors appointment and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! It was so awesome! It was a very VERY exciting experience! At the next doctors appointment we will find out what we are having. I can't wait!

By week 16, your baby-to-be's body is doing more to support itself. Her kidneys function and produce urine that then passes through the umbilical cord. Within her stomach, bile is secreted, although she relies on you for all of her nutrients. Her appearance changes as her scalp hair grows and may even have color. Her developing facial muscles make it possible for her to open and close her mouth, maybe even give you a smile or two. This week, your little one is around four inches long (crown to rump) and weighs in at nearly three ounces. About the size of an Avocado.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 15

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +1 lb

Maternity clothes? Yes and they are comfy!!!

Stretch marks? Not really

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well, but when I do I have really weird dreams

Best moment this week: Nothing that sticks out. Been a good week.

Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: Pizza in the first trimester. Can't do fast food anymore. Blah! This week, it's sweets.

Gender: We will be finding out soon!

Labor Signs: None yet.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Sleeping through the night.

What I am looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Wednesday and picking up our nursery furniture this week!

Weekly Wisdom: Fast Food is evil!

Milestones: I am in my 2nd trimester!!!

At week 15, your baby-to-be stretches her limbs and bends at her elbows. She's getting big enough that you can feel many of these movements.

This week your baby is roughly the size of a small apple or orange. Her bones are continuing to grow and lengthen. While she looks more like a baby, her skin is still thin and translucent with her veins visible.

Your baby is also beginning to grow lanugo, a very fine hair. It will keep growing until around the 26th gestational week of pregnancy (that's week 28 of your pregnancy).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Week 14

I am starting to show a little!! I have been having really crazy dreams. My most recent one was that I had gone into the hospital and had the baby, (which was a boy). The nurses brought him into the room so I could hold him. Mark and I were enjoying our little one. Then Mark said that I should get some rest, so I went to sleep with the baby in my arms and when I woke up he was a toddler! But I guess that is really how it is, one minute they are little ones, being cuddle in a blanket in our arms without a care in the world and the next minute they are walking and talking. This is definitely becoming real!! We are so excited to become parents. I am so thankful for this little miracle growing inside me.

At 14 weeks your baby is a regular wiggler, but because of his small size you probably won't feel it yet. Your baby-to-be's face is becoming more distinguishable as his eyes move closer together and his ears move closer to their final positions. He's also growing soft baby hair all over his body, which is thought to help anchor developing skin, as well as forming hair on his eyebrows and scalp. He may hiccup too, even though his lungs are filled with fluid, not air. Your little one is currently between 3.2 to 4.5 inches (from crown to rump) and weighs in at around .9 ounces, about the size of a lemon.

Friday, December 4, 2009

An amazing version of Jingle Bells!

This is Mark's uncle. His name is Jonni Glaser. He is an AMAZING piano player!!! In fact, he played at our wedding. We had a really beautiful song picked out for Jonni to play and some friends of ours to sing. By accident, we gave Jonni one version of the song for him to learn and the singers a different version of the song to learn. On rehearsal night they realized that the song they had learned was not the same. Jonni took the right version of the song to the car, listened to it for about 30 minutes, came back and played it PERFECT!!! He has such an amazing gift! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 13

Week 13 has been really good. I am feeling great at this point! I just have trouble sleeping, and my bladder won't let me sleep through the night anymore. I have had 2 dreams that it is a boy and Mark has had a dream that it's a boy, so we will see when that time comes. At my next doctor's appointment I will be 16 weeks, so I hope he will be able to tell us what we are having. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Week 13 marks a milestone for your baby-to-be. Developmentally speaking she's no longer an embryo, but a fetus. She's looking—and acting—more and more like a baby every day. She appears to be resting because her eyelids have formed and are fused together, but her arms and legs move and twitch (although you probably can't feel it … yet). She can suck her thumb, too. Your baby is about the size of a tennis ball! She's growing heavier at around .5 to .7 ounces and is getting longer at about three inches long (crown to rump).