Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sooooo funny!

A friend of ours introduced us to this video and it is certainly worth sharing!!

Week 33

How far along? 33 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +16 lb

Stretch marks? Itchy!

Sleep: Heartburn keeps me up during the night. But when I am asleep, I sleep pretty well.

Best moment this week: My baby shower and getting her nursery all put together.

Movement: Her kicks are becoming stronger. It's no longer the little flutters. When she moves, she moves with purpose!

Food cravings: Nothing this week. I haven't felt as hungry as I usually do.

Labor Signs: I have been having some contractions. Nothing consistent yet.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: Seeing things on the floor, like my feet.

What I am looking forward to: Being within a month of her arrival!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Slow down, kick your feet up, and drink water.

Milestones: Month 8 is underway! 1 more month to go!

Your unborn baby's senses continue to develop. If you talk to your baby, she can hear you. In fact, her world is full of sounds. In addition to your voice, she can hear your stomach growling and your lungs taking in air, along with the reassuring vibrations of your heart beating. Also, your baby's skin has turned from red to pink and she has started preparing for life outside the womb by storing iron in her liver. This week your baby stretches to around 12 inches (crown to rump) and weighs in at about four pounds, eight ounces. She is now about the size of a duck.

Maternity pictures

We had so much fun doing this! Just another reminder that we serve an AWESOME God, who is always faithful! These are some of my favorites that I picked out to share with you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 32

Wow! 8 weeks left to go before the arrival of our daughter. This week was a big week. I went to the doctor and I will now be seeing him every other week, instead of monthly. I had my baby shower over the weekend. I had so much fun and got so much cute stuff. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. I also had maternity pictures taken. I want to say a HUGE thank you to our friend Sharlla Brandwein for doing such an amazing job! Needless to say, the next 8 weeks will be filled with preparation for our little girl. Her nursery is soooo very close to be totally complete. I can't wait until it's all finished!

Just like you, your unborn baby will establish a daily routine. You'll notice at times your baby is active and wiggly, while at other times you can't feel her movements. Once your baby's born, she'll most likely continue with her in-utero pattern. Along with a routine, your baby has favorite positions too. A favorite of many unborn babies is to have their heads down, rumps up towards the ribs (conveniently, the perfect position for labor). Your unborn baby weighs around four pounds and stretches to over 11 and one-half inches in length (crown to rump). She is about the size of a jicama.

Week 31

How far along? 31 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +16 lb

Stretch marks? Blah!!

Sleep: I am getting up more often in the night and I now have to sleep at an angle and with 6 pillows.

Best moment this week: Getting maternity capris FINALLY!!!

Movement: Yep she is still a gymnast in my belly.

Food cravings: Chocolate milk

Labor Signs: I think I have had some contractions from time to time.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.
 Mark wants it to pop out cause he thinks it will be cute.

What I miss: Being able to go non-stop. I now have to take breaks every hour or so.

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower!!!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Keep tums with you at all times!!!!

Milestones: I can eat pickles again!

Your unborn baby's lungs continue to mature. As her lungs become more developed, the chances of her surviving if born prematurely increase. Her skin, which has been wrinkled, now becomes pink and smooth as fat cells fill out her body. Baby knows your voice. Singing to her, talking to her, and telling her all about the world she'll be joining soon is a great way for you and your partner to bond with Baby—and each other! Your baby's fingernails have grown and she may even need a manicure after she's born. Your unborn baby weighs around three pounds, eight ounces and stretches to around 11.2 inches (crown to rump). She is now about the size of a head a cabbage.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 30

30 weeks pregnant and I am feeling great!! I get more and more anxious every day to meet our daughter!

Your baby's face looks much like it will when she's born. She still needs to fill out more to get the characteristic chubby infant cheeks, but she's on her way. She can move her head, open her eyes, and make breathing movements through her open nostrils (although no air comes in). If your little one were born today, she'd have a good chance for survival at about three pounds and nearly 11 inches long (crown to rump). About the size of a chihuahua.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 29

How far along? 29 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +16 lb

Stretch marks? Yep, still there. Ugh!

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well these days, but I do have scheduled times that my little girl wakes me up.

Best moment this week: Mark being able to watch her move.

Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! I absolutely love feeling her move!

Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week, just food.

Gender: Still a beautiful baby girl.

Labor Signs: Nothing that I know of.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: My toes and having normal sized feet.

What I am looking forward to: Getting her nursery all set up and organized.

Weekly Wisdom: When you sleep...pillows, pillows and more pillows!

Milestones: Third Trimester has begun!!

Your baby is filling out this week. She's adding fat to insulate her body for the day she leaves her cozy home. You can probably distinguish between feet and hands, head and bottom when your baby-to-be moves inside you. She takes practice breaths but won't breathe air until delivery. Your baby's growth has begun to slow down now, but she will still gain approximately four pounds between now and birth. If she were born now, she would be able to breathe, but might tire easily and need assistance. Her little eyes are sensitive to light. At two pounds, 12 ounces and almost 10 and one-half inches (crown to ump), your little one is growing fast! She is about the size of butternut squash.